one rip snorting drunken spectacle a week
until the mayan apocalypse that is.......
this summer in parties
today is the last night i will drink as a spectator
anytime you see me with a drink in my hand its because someone bought it for me
ive bought my last beer for myself
let me buy you one tho.....
just remember me when happy hour is over
thats the only time i buy drinks because im a notoriously cheap bastard
but im a good tipper
people generally enjoy my rip
2012 party like its the mayan apocalypse
just in case its the mayan apocalyse
get over here and slip your hips up to my lips
as the official life of the party
here is my schedule for drinking this summer
2NITE - steve on point
AUGUST- ???????
live blog from keiths where he pairs food to my drink of choice, moonshine
looking for a moonshine sponsor for that one
or maybe he just wants to cater the after party on the beach
what beach?
lets figure that out next......
AUGUST 19 ---black tie event black landlord audience participation party parrticipant (fundraising)
so we have a coiuple beers at a couple places for a good cause
we go to a few happy hours on the way to the rock and roll show for charity
we raise money along the way...we invite the roller girls and the womens rugby teams
LABOR DAY-----day at the FABULOUS SHAMROCK for halfball, a day load, asian pirate porn, actual pirates, awesome dudes printing party?
SEPT 13th i turn 49 and rent the gunclub grounds for a rain or shine concert on an odd day of the week with rumors of camping and a country breakfast irish coffee contest the next morning
country tofu scramble anyone? this is a special two day bender for me and the predlude to a three day bender around halloween and a 2 day on 2 day off bender for the duration of my welcome in portland
october launch plans to buy bus, convert to french fry oil travel the country on french fry oil offering tasty vegan treats to people all across the land......i think my boys at the grindcore house will be throwing a party that day.....
NOVEMBER- portland BIZARRO publishing convention featuring the dramatic stage debut of twenty guys trying to be bukowski elimimated one by one in an internet reality show with registered voting centers all across the land....we will sell these official party sites to anyone that wants to blow up a certain website that day with traffic who wants to get a few million drunken eyeballs on my webcast? no poker strat in this webcast...bbv your town....thats my income tournaments, teeshirts, poker games where people can try to take ten percent of my net worth, whatever that is, up to 100 k because i will never have a penny more than 100 k net worth by choice and would rather ghandi myself out of the rat race by being the interesting person at the poker game,
the bizarro partydebut of 20 assholes pretending to be drunkenly channelling charles bukowski internet freakshow would be greater with the addition of
with dennis capparicio as karate bukowski, bakeowski, the charles bukowski blues project......maybe an appearance by other surprise east coast friends.....
who wants to hire a legendary drunk to turn his alcoholism into money by staging fabulous parties once a month
you can smell it in the air
read about starving irish in the 1800's and think about africa
they dont really care if some poor people starve, or lose electricity
get up
turn off a light
i just saved a few drops of oil
or a few radioactive nanoseconds of halflife......
the world just thanked me
i just thanked the world back!
we feed out cows better than they feed their people
im sure they would rather eat dogfood than your dog
send dog food to africa campaign
drop bags by parachute into refugee camps
you can smell it in the air
theyd like to pull the plug on us somewhere
is it the mayan apocalpyse? who knows but welcome it into the world!
the internet now contains enough data to end this experiment
weve discovered that all the good thoughts have already been thunk
all the cool songs have already been writ
i wrote a cool song 25 years ago when rachel goldstein broke my heart
that was the last time i think
now its unbreakable
brenda did a number
they all did
but it got me to the point i am at now which is right on the edge
that delicate place where i can teeter
like sliding down a suprisingly slippery wet metal roof
note to self
plan better star watchin locations....
you are the only thing keeping this world from squeezing us like a boa constrictor
there are too many free thinkers roaming around out there
too much access to information
information that used to be kept secret from us by pricks in suits or body armor fascists trying to keep the rich people away from the poor people
Ive learned all about universal love and its power
im supposed to talk about love for a few years
ill try
but no one reads my damn blog anyway
if i build it they will come
party starters dot com
what kinda party do you want to have?
plenty of spots open...........
so if my goal is to help women who need money for their organizations
how can i help the hot bartenders i know?
the hot bartender carwash picnic of course
see what your favorite local bartenders price is to wash your car to help charity
what charity?
i know these women who need a little money
they are really bar gangsters
they just want your moeny
so why not give some to a good cause
buy a tee shirt from a bartender
shell sell you the shirt off her back if the price is right....
help her charity out!