various death related things

wonderfully written book about death by julian barnes
historic and ironic last words, his dead and dying relatives, great thinkers and how they went out...really really interesting stuff.....

Death is a funny thing,
but people don't always get that the joke is on them.
 What are you doing with your life?
  What are your goals?
 What gets you out of bed in the morning?

I'm done with seeking windmills at which to tilt and healing damaged societies.
There are a world full of ass kicking opportunities out there.
 Ima chill out for a few more revolutions of this orb.

Spin away Mama Earth. Let's see what surprises you have in store for this ball full of arrogant motherfuckers.
Too many mofo's. Time to cull the herd Mamma E. Time for a taste of death for the digital citizenry of the world who are temporarily on top.
On top because they are able to put the health of the planet in their rearview.
Beacuse you used too be able to.
When the world was a bigger place and there were less of us.
We are victims of our own successes.

F U Bitch.
We are HOMO SAPIENS MANN, your little germy ass aint gonna fuck with the dominant species on the planet,
EFF EWE super viruses,
your flesh eating asses are no match for our recombinant DNA technologies....
Yeah, what? I said it.
I'm right here if you feeling froggy .....

.... hoping against hope that the eyes of the world are somehow reading this blog, sensing it somhow, hoping the earth has no sense of irony and instead lashes out at us waterbags. Bags of electrically charged water that serve as transportation systems to the real rulers of the earth. The bacteria in our bellies.
The bacteria in our bellies don't give a shit if we are rich or poor. They are gonna eat good when we croak and they eat good while we live. they are the true rulers of the earth. we are just sentient hosts.

I'm kind of in a holding pattern. Waiting for gods plan to reveal itself
when I pushed against the world I often pushed in the wrong directions, or so it seemed. I was programmed to be a radical by my upbringing and a series of targeted commercials which seem silly in the surface but thru repetition became the framework of my conciousness.
you are what you do.I spent years watching sports on tee vee so i am a quasi neandethal who thinks on some level that drinking beer will surround me with bikini-clad fu-loving pretty people. Why isn't the budweiser ad some sad old alky who buys a 12 pack every night and sits in front of the tube watching cops and looking for the episode where he got busted?
theres my cousin telling the cops he dont know me
yee haw

im getting my body ready for the apocalypse
i haope im ready in time
its got to be around the corner
ive been waiting for this since fourth grade
when they showed us the nuclear preparedness film in elementary school
DUCK and COver
when you see the flash
be like the turtle
DUCK and cover
kids go under your desks!
wait for the shockwave
when digging out of the rubble be sure to run a hose over everything before touching it and wear a mask for the first three days while the radioactive ash is still in the sky turning the world into a permanent dusk...
when you see the sun set again its safe to comeout

but that never happened
i thought every siren was armageddon for a coupla years there
because every movie about nuclear war featured the sirens
and of course the sirens went off at noon every fucking day
once i sat up in the middle of the night after hearing them and while waiting in terror for the boom a firetruck went by filling my room with red light which i thought was from the missles flying overhead
on the way to bomb the RCA radar ball on the edge of town
when i shared my apocalyptic thoughts with the health teacher they sent me to a shrink where i read comics for a few hours until they let me go
great work school district!
he doesnt seem disturbed
just have him fill out the anonymus interest survey again
but this time tell him not to list nuclear war as one of the things he looks forward to
and leave off the part about S.W.A.T., street war against teachers
that part is probably the part that got me fingered
fingered on an anonymus survey
a term that apparently means something else to health teachers in fifth grade classrooms in the center of new jersey identified by a recent map as the belt of happy white families
i couldnt help that my interests were slightly divergent
i grew up watching planet of the apes movies, fail safe, the omega man after twelve on the tiny black and white tee vee at low volume
i knew the deal
and thirty eight years later im still waiting for the end
nice job hollywood!
nice job military industrial complex
way to sow fear in my heart
thanks shadowy network of psychological manipulators!
you've given me so much!


I attended something at Ladder 15 the other evening that seemed to be based on the claymation wrestling show on Mtv where different celebrities battled it out to the death.
You can imagine the stoned dorm conversational stroke of genius....
yea mannn.......
tha'd be awesome if the celebrities were authors....
call your dad and tell him we want to put on a show!
The show was 4 local writers doing seven minutes of reading and three local legends trying their hand at comedy. It was a good idea but , meh.
The styles were wildly varying from book report to epigram to sexy to societal commentary.
The host kept cutting off interesting entertainers and recycling humor, "hey you with the head"
was pretty funny the first time.
The entertainers energy levels were also wildly varying in energy which was the success of the evening. There certainly was something for everyone there. The crowd was a nice mix of west philly literati, center city rappers, anarchists, drug addicts, rugby players, journalists,and world class party promotors. If you didn't try to hook into some of that fun power then you were missing out. Whoever didn't mingle later missed out on some first class conversations and celebrations of artistic energy. How ever the word got out it was something. I don't know about the whole death thing though...
i went over on their website and posted this

Well this wasn't the Clay Wrestling match that I thought it would be.
These were people and there was no wrestling whatsoever?
The closest we got to some interesting cartoon-ish violence was when the extremely hot skinny lady in the Barbie dress shot the lady that was looking at a paper and saying words about snowflakes.
Then it got pretty sexy in there when a nice young lady in a small dress led us to believe that she had first hand evidence that Benjamin Franklin's semen was radioactive.
Her idea for a time traveling dating service sounds like the natural next level of reality TV fare.
Or maybe a time traveling dating game...he invented the theory of relativity, he freed the slaves, she was the face of prohibition
Five contestants vie to date, get voted off, ones a flamer, ones a lipstick lesbian, a tranny all vie to date these historical figures.
Anyway, the show had potential.
The winner evoked a style that was described by Judge Liz Spikol as either Bob Wright or Stephen Dylan, the brother of the fmaous one.
The Mummer humped 50 percent less legs than I thought he might.
Fergus Carey danced a jig when the annoying skinny host slipped him a whole twenty dollar bill to thank him for his services. I don't know how they pay judges off in the rest of the world but that is none of my business anyway.
Feel free to negotiate a telecommuting writing job for me from Lorne Micheals when her hears about my wacky ideas for his show. Unless Liz Lemon hires me first......