Saturday, October 10, 2009
NOW HIRING- Do you respect your elders? Do you follow orders? We are a brand new niche company hoping to expand dramatically once the Universal health care plan kicks in and are looking for the right people to fulfill the demanding requirements of a elderly death camp guard. These old people are going to beg you for a kidney, expensive medications and fancy wheelchairs. Your job will be to ask them what their number is again and to tell them to wait patiently and quietly for their number to be called. Quietly is the most important part of the programme as we don't want alot of squalling elders out there. They get to panicing each other, then all hell breaks loose.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Why is this the World's most Important Bog?
This is the world's most important blog because I can predict the futre. Fr example. Soon the conservative pundits will be all over Obama attacking him on his now secret, but soon to be revealed plan to make Medical Marijuana a big part of his health care plan.
The best way to fight the Al Queda would be to take thier funding away. They b uy their munitions and arm thier fanatic through the exploitation of our drug culture and the insane amounts of filthy lucre generated by this illegal trade.
Destroying them is SIMPLICITY ITSELF.
Grow poppies in the unwatered yet fertile fields of California. The soil has to be better than the soil in Afghanistan. Become the Number one Exporter of Opium in the world. China did it to us by way of England running the world. Now it's our turn, USA USA USA.
Next, use illegal immigrants that want to become legal to harvest the opium from the fields. Call them "patriots in training" and after they have served five years in the fields, grant them citizenship.....With monthly drug tests of course, we don't want to encourage junqies.....Scandanavia has alot less problems with hard-core druggies because they treat theis sicko's instead of imprisoning them......
The announcement that Obama is going to legalize pot will not be made until he has been re-elected. It makes sense. The country isn't ready for it yet and the howls of the dying conservative culture are still listened too in the less enlightened or more scareder of mixed racial heritage parts of the country and there are alot of them. What needs to happen is to send troubled inner city youth ou to areas of fresh air in an exchange program of sorts. Partner them with rural schools and the rural schools can send all their idealist dreamer types who just want to "help the poor". In this way there will be more mixed race children and everyone can get over it already. I suggest boffing someone as far from your color spectrum as you can so within a few generations we are all a sort of pleasing mocha latte'
So racism is fixed, the drug problem is fixed, now we focus on crime.
Bring back the days of the old west, where all the tuff guys had side arms. there were alot less assholes in the west because assholes got bushwhacked. We are way over the carrying capacity of this planet already. We need to remove a few billion to be sustainable. this is a small and crucial first step.
Now can you see why this is the worlds most important blog? I thought so. I'm expecting a call anyday from the president to help implement these programs, but until then You can help me keep the creative juices percolating by donating to me when you see me. no amount is to large, or small. See, now i Gotta run and serve drinks to the rich and I may never be on this thought train again!!!! Thats why it is so crucial that I spend more time BEING THE NATIONS THINKTANK and less time asking "do you want a lime in that?"
send postal money orders to Harry Baker 321 reed st phila pa 19147 and thankyou for being part of the most imprtant blog in the world message of global harmony and love.
i love you guys...thats why im taking over the thinking for ya'll.
and if obama doesnt get it done i guess ill just have to run for president.
The best way to fight the Al Queda would be to take thier funding away. They b uy their munitions and arm thier fanatic through the exploitation of our drug culture and the insane amounts of filthy lucre generated by this illegal trade.
Destroying them is SIMPLICITY ITSELF.
Grow poppies in the unwatered yet fertile fields of California. The soil has to be better than the soil in Afghanistan. Become the Number one Exporter of Opium in the world. China did it to us by way of England running the world. Now it's our turn, USA USA USA.
Next, use illegal immigrants that want to become legal to harvest the opium from the fields. Call them "patriots in training" and after they have served five years in the fields, grant them citizenship.....With monthly drug tests of course, we don't want to encourage junqies.....Scandanavia has alot less problems with hard-core druggies because they treat theis sicko's instead of imprisoning them......
The announcement that Obama is going to legalize pot will not be made until he has been re-elected. It makes sense. The country isn't ready for it yet and the howls of the dying conservative culture are still listened too in the less enlightened or more scareder of mixed racial heritage parts of the country and there are alot of them. What needs to happen is to send troubled inner city youth ou to areas of fresh air in an exchange program of sorts. Partner them with rural schools and the rural schools can send all their idealist dreamer types who just want to "help the poor". In this way there will be more mixed race children and everyone can get over it already. I suggest boffing someone as far from your color spectrum as you can so within a few generations we are all a sort of pleasing mocha latte'
So racism is fixed, the drug problem is fixed, now we focus on crime.
Bring back the days of the old west, where all the tuff guys had side arms. there were alot less assholes in the west because assholes got bushwhacked. We are way over the carrying capacity of this planet already. We need to remove a few billion to be sustainable. this is a small and crucial first step.
Now can you see why this is the worlds most important blog? I thought so. I'm expecting a call anyday from the president to help implement these programs, but until then You can help me keep the creative juices percolating by donating to me when you see me. no amount is to large, or small. See, now i Gotta run and serve drinks to the rich and I may never be on this thought train again!!!! Thats why it is so crucial that I spend more time BEING THE NATIONS THINKTANK and less time asking "do you want a lime in that?"
send postal money orders to Harry Baker 321 reed st phila pa 19147 and thankyou for being part of the most imprtant blog in the world message of global harmony and love.
i love you guys...thats why im taking over the thinking for ya'll.
and if obama doesnt get it done i guess ill just have to run for president.
Wherein I set up during the local artiste's festival and virtually panhandle, huckster, sell people on the belief that they are immortalized forever on the worlds most important blog.
A showcase for monetization of my rampant people skills and charm in an effort to build the HARRY BAKER FRANCHISE by engaging with others who may find themselves amused by me and want to be a part of this ENTERTAINMENT JUGGARNAUT.
Here's the hustle.
Me and a flat surface in the middle of the Fringe Festival. A scavenger of the arts. A seagull, cawing to the world, sharp eyed and looking for a little support. Supprt the arts in a tangible way, by giving me money, or a beer, a cup of wine. I will IMMORTALIZE YOU FOREVER on
One dollar/unit of beverage consumption will get your name or nickname on this and you will be able to amaze your friends and impress members of whichever sexual clique makes your groin ache with longing.
In addition you will also be immortalized with a pithy saying about some manner of your character, appearance, soul, vibe, demeanor or sexuality that will be recorded unitl the end of time on THEMOSTIMPORTANTBLOGINTHEWORLD. TMIBITW tim bit dub timbydub
And you will be one of the few people in the world to know what Timbydub means. Part of a secret society.
SO if you want to be registered FOREVER as "the hottest chick on second street" on TIMBYDUB get your hot litttle ass over to the Fringe and find me.
Then you can put that on your curriculum Vitae for the world to see
Registerd as hottest girl on second street on THE MOST IMPORTANT BLOG in the world.
but not if its raining.
Maybe its a sliding scale.....
yeah, definitely a sliding scale
caveat emptor and all
if you want top props you gotta pay pops
yeah thats me
coming soon
^^^^^^^email like the above^^^^^^^^
A showcase for monetization of my rampant people skills and charm in an effort to build the HARRY BAKER FRANCHISE by engaging with others who may find themselves amused by me and want to be a part of this ENTERTAINMENT JUGGARNAUT.
Here's the hustle.
Me and a flat surface in the middle of the Fringe Festival. A scavenger of the arts. A seagull, cawing to the world, sharp eyed and looking for a little support. Supprt the arts in a tangible way, by giving me money, or a beer, a cup of wine. I will IMMORTALIZE YOU FOREVER on
One dollar/unit of beverage consumption will get your name or nickname on this and you will be able to amaze your friends and impress members of whichever sexual clique makes your groin ache with longing.
In addition you will also be immortalized with a pithy saying about some manner of your character, appearance, soul, vibe, demeanor or sexuality that will be recorded unitl the end of time on THEMOSTIMPORTANTBLOGINTHEWORLD. TMIBITW tim bit dub timbydub
And you will be one of the few people in the world to know what Timbydub means. Part of a secret society.
SO if you want to be registered FOREVER as "the hottest chick on second street" on TIMBYDUB get your hot litttle ass over to the Fringe and find me.
Then you can put that on your curriculum Vitae for the world to see
Registerd as hottest girl on second street on THE MOST IMPORTANT BLOG in the world.
but not if its raining.
Maybe its a sliding scale.....

yeah, definitely a sliding scale
caveat emptor and all
if you want top props you gotta pay pops
yeah thats me
coming soon
^^^^^^^email like the above^^^^^^^^
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