A showcase for monetization of my rampant people skills and charm in an effort to build the HARRY BAKER FRANCHISE by engaging with others who may find themselves amused by me and want to be a part of this ENTERTAINMENT JUGGARNAUT.
Here's the hustle.
Me and a flat surface in the middle of the Fringe Festival. A scavenger of the arts. A seagull, cawing to the world, sharp eyed and looking for a little support. Supprt the arts in a tangible way, by giving me money, or a beer, a cup of wine. I will IMMORTALIZE YOU FOREVER on
One dollar/unit of beverage consumption will get your name or nickname on this and you will be able to amaze your friends and impress members of whichever sexual clique makes your groin ache with longing.
In addition you will also be immortalized with a pithy saying about some manner of your character, appearance, soul, vibe, demeanor or sexuality that will be recorded unitl the end of time on THEMOSTIMPORTANTBLOGINTHEWORLD. TMIBITW tim bit dub timbydub
And you will be one of the few people in the world to know what Timbydub means. Part of a secret society.
SO if you want to be registered FOREVER as "the hottest chick on second street" on TIMBYDUB get your hot litttle ass over to the Fringe and find me.
Then you can put that on your curriculum Vitae for the world to see
Registerd as hottest girl on second street on THE MOST IMPORTANT BLOG in the world.
but not if its raining.
Maybe its a sliding scale.....

yeah, definitely a sliding scale
caveat emptor and all
if you want top props you gotta pay pops
yeah thats me
coming soon
^^^^^^^email like the above^^^^^^^^
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