Friday, December 7, 2012

remeber where you were when you started to ignore the ominous alien ship parked above the whitehouse and the one above LA
remember when you ignored the fiscal cliff
this aint politics!
this is it, run for cover chicken little
this is the whole shooting match
i turned on the tee vee today to see SYRIANS SWEARING they dont have chemical weapons they will use
begging the media to please edit them into the news somehow
begging to keep the lights on
dont bomb our hospitals, electric transformers and water treatment plants
we like being a modern arab nation
we are even cool with the drones
no one liked those last little samrtass kids you bombed last week
even their parents said they were a handful
you can HAVE our mustard gas
send julian assange in
we will give him all the mustard gas he wants
all the while
the fiscal cliff looms
we the people, a heard of buffalo
stampeded to this cliff by what band of native american?
everything is coming up harry...
everything is in place for the next project!

lets see what happens with some focussed thoughts, over the course of a series of months...

the desert was tranformative

it has never been so clear what things are worth attention
and what things are unhealthy

the rest is easy
just keep making good decsions
and follow the plan
its good to have a plan again!

think positive
be yourself
wait for opportunity
go back to step 2

the world will catch up to your way of thinking
they just havent heard the plan yet

out west i was amazed at the level  of chill that can be achieved
it took a few weeks for me to cleanse my system of all this east coast angriness

i detoxed in the high california desert

im going to miss my old friend angry
angry and i had some great times together
but hate is unheallthy
acceptance is easier

i accept that im an imperfect being, but i try to make kids laugh
dogs get me
a few select people
and thats all i need
the rest is just white noise
white noise used to keep me up at night
back when i rolled with my friend angry

hyper-sensitivity never got anyone anywhere
except upset about shit they cant control

look out world!
im coming out of the anger coma ive been in....


Friday, November 16, 2012

counting down the minutes til 12;43
that would make 48 hours since i  left a voicemail with my cousin
48 hours is enough time i reckon
48 hours to decide what to do with the great big steaming load of harry that i left in his voicemail
i GET people have jobs
i GET that my hijinx aren't appreciated
i GET that my joie de vivre' scares people

im a freight train, im on a roll,
set one less place for thanksgiving at 12:43 Pacific time
the silence is deafening
in it i hear judgement
in it i hear fear and misunderstanding
but most of all, 48 hours seems slightly disrespectful to me
48 hours seems rude
i dont come out west that often
and this may be my last trip

it was already weird and it can only get weirder and thats not appealing to me
especially when the words are flowing, when my energies are accessible

i need to get some words in and an eight or nine hour busride for 100 bucks doesnt seem like any kind of thing i want to do
this is my walkabout
my journey
if they dont GET me thats fine
if they are too busy, thats fine
if they are dis-comfitted, allow me to re-comfit them
im staying at a cheap motel my the airport
im gonna churn out some words
im sorry to have troubled you in any way
nice talking to you this time out
ill see you next time


Saturday, November 3, 2012

fucking shit up in dirty ass LA
everyone drives like an asshole out here
the cop building in downtown LA looks like a spaceship and the cops act like an occupying force...coincidence?  maybe its been there for so long that they are just used to it and the cops are really asshole tourist space men who like to fuck with our fear and feed off of them... hmmmmm
drank a few at a place where Bukowski drank and they have a picture of jack nicholson in a tee shirt in lakers colors
we forget
the other bar where i paid 6 for a beer had celebrity head shots
deniro got it and has a great smile in his
dirty fucking bar, retarded bartenders, and it seems that they hire anyone out here
brain not neccessary
all laid back and ignorrant and probably wanting me to just chill out
what happens to them when their smart phones die?
its coming its coming
 a nation of peoplle helpless without their technology
opposite end of the spectrum
teh coffee shop girl who assaults you with a too loud good morning when you walk in the door
keeps you from staying long
almost as bad as the grindcore......

Thursday, August 23, 2012

this is why i dont watch tv
it sucks you in
and thats someone else's fantasy
someone else's idea of fun
someone else's form of operant conditioning
so, no thanks

it seems clear that the agenda is to turn our kids into entertainers
rock star, pop idol, guitaar hero, dance contests
all designed to get our kids into entertainment mode
so when the space talent recruiters land their intergalactic cruise ships
they have a fresh crop of faces to get them thru the boredom of hyperspace

in anotehr disturbing trend the daily show seemed to have boner week this week

Friday, July 27, 2012

project number one- design and implement a "neanderthal lifestyle magazine" for sale on a cross
                                 country tour
                                  neanderthals knew how to live without electricty.
                          i lived without hot water for years because of those assholes at philadelphia gas co.
                            project started  here

project number two- write the next chapter-

number three- update gambling page..more and more i feel the best thing i can do with cash                                 is to pile it on a poker table and defend it or grow it,  if i have to get a job i will
                       id rather my job was investments in myself and others........

Thursday, July 26, 2012

do i have any goods to declare?
yes, my intellectual property
what i spent my life doing for the same boss
for all those months
conforming to a system
being the go to guy

i have levels of bullshit that no-one has ever seen
i have the delusional certainty of a drunken frat boy doing his first line of blow and telling you haw much he loves you maaan but its his blow and you want another line and thats why you dont do blow because people who do rapidly find themsleves surrounded by idiots
it weeds out a certain sort of person too
more about that later...
i am trained at getting and seeking attention buti have never  never prostituted myself before or ever so thouroughlay and completely.....but i will doi it for a year and in that year find twelve business partners and start twelve businesses? 

i will be on permanent working vacation.....
i have the pikeville summer writers retreat to adminsiter......
the nova scotia winter tenting society to found
then the bit with the writers colony
if for some reason the business fails start again in the next country or town or whatever
pikeville on 1000 dollars a month
that will be the first project, the first business?  LLC?

ill have to hire my own apprentice? 
harry enters the micro loan business
harry makes a series of thousand dollar bets on himself...

maybe spend a month in mexico ?
a month at the jersey shore playing poker?
a month in your poker room
a month is long enough to get something started one would imagine.....
the hardest part is thinking it
the fun part will be doing it.....

i want to come in play one tournament a day in your poker room
and write about what else happend that month in that town

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

one rip snorting drunken spectacle a week

until the mayan apocalypse that is.......

this summer in parties
today is the last night i  will drink as a spectator
anytime you see me with a drink in my hand its because someone bought it for me
ive bought my last beer for myself
let me buy you one tho.....
just remember me when happy hour is over
thats the only time i buy drinks because im a notoriously cheap bastard
but im a good tipper
people generally enjoy my rip
2012 party like its the mayan apocalypse

just in case its the mayan apocalyse
get over here and slip your hips up to my lips

as the official life of the party
       here is my schedule for drinking this summer

2NITE - steve on point

AUGUST- ???????
live blog from keiths where he pairs food to my drink of choice, moonshine
looking for a moonshine sponsor for that one
or maybe he just wants to cater the after party on the beach
what beach?
lets figure that out next......

AUGUST 19 ---black tie event black landlord audience participation party parrticipant (fundraising) 

                                 so we have a coiuple beers at a couple places for a good cause
                       we go to a few happy hours on the way to the rock and roll show for charity
                we raise money along the way...we invite the roller girls and the womens rugby teams

LABOR DAY-----day at the FABULOUS SHAMROCK for halfball, a day load, asian pirate porn, actual pirates, awesome dudes printing party? 

SEPT 13th i turn 49 and rent the gunclub grounds for a rain or shine concert on an odd day  of the week with rumors of camping and a country breakfast irish coffee contest the next morning
country tofu scramble anyone?    this is a special two day bender for me and the predlude to a three day bender around halloween and a 2 day on 2 day off bender for the duration of my welcome in portland

october launch plans to buy bus, convert to french fry oil travel the country on french fry oil offering tasty vegan treats to people all across the land......i think my boys at the grindcore house will be throwing a party that day.....

NOVEMBER- portland  BIZARRO publishing convention featuring the dramatic stage debut of twenty guys trying to be bukowski elimimated one by one in an internet reality show with registered voting centers all across the land....we will sell these official party sites to anyone that wants to blow up a certain website that day with traffic  who wants to get a few million drunken eyeballs on my webcast?  no poker strat in this webcast...bbv your town....thats my income tournaments, teeshirts, poker games where people can try to take ten percent of my net worth, whatever that is, up to 100 k because i will never have a penny more than 100 k net worth by choice and would rather ghandi myself out of the rat race by being the interesting person at the poker game,
 the bizarro partydebut of 20 assholes pretending to be drunkenly  channelling  charles bukowski internet freakshow would be greater with the addition of
with dennis capparicio as karate bukowski, bakeowski, the charles bukowski blues project......maybe an appearance by other surprise east coast friends.....

who wants to hire a legendary drunk to turn his alcoholism into money by staging fabulous parties once a month

you can smell it in the air
read about starving irish in the 1800's and think about africa
they dont really care if some poor people starve, or lose electricity
get up
turn off a light
i just saved a few drops of oil
or a few radioactive nanoseconds of halflife......
the world just thanked me
i just thanked the world back!

we feed out cows better than they feed their people
im sure they would rather eat dogfood than your dog
send dog food to africa campaign
drop bags by parachute into refugee camps

you can smell it in the air
theyd like to pull the plug on us somewhere
is it the mayan apocalpyse? who knows but welcome it into the world!

the internet now contains enough data to end this experiment

weve discovered that all the good thoughts have already been thunk

all the cool songs have already been writ
i wrote a cool song 25 years ago when rachel goldstein broke my heart
that was the last time i think
now its unbreakable
brenda did a number
they all did
but it got me to the point i am at now which is right on the edge
that delicate place where i can teeter
like sliding down a suprisingly slippery wet metal roof
note to self
plan better star watchin locations....
you are the only thing keeping this world from squeezing us like a boa constrictor
there are too many free thinkers roaming around out there
too much access to information
information that used to be kept secret from us by pricks in suits or body armor fascists trying to keep the rich people away from the poor people


Ive learned all about universal love and its power
im supposed to talk about love for a few years
ill try
but no one reads my damn blog anyway
if i build it they will come

party starters dot com
what kinda party do you want to have?
plenty of spots open...........

so if my goal is to help women who need money for their organizations
how can i help the hot bartenders i know?
the hot bartender carwash picnic of course
see what your favorite local bartenders price is to wash your car to help charity
what charity?
i know these women who need a little money
they are really bar gangsters
they just want your moeny
so why not give some to a good cause
buy a tee shirt from a bartender
shell sell you the shirt off her back  if the price is right....
help her charity out!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

ok im really cooking now!

lots of great sounding ideas coming from the life remix
i say/ isuh suh say
time to take it to the next level
loafing done right
i offer four hours of labor six days a week
i can do a number of things
ill start my own list
harry's list
you tell me what you need help with
ill tell you how i think me sleeping on your couch for a week can fix it
at the end of a week you will either invite me for anouther week or we will part friends
if the jobs bigger than 30 hours we will talk about a more permanent thing

harry services, how can i direct your call?
he with another client now, leave a message on his blog
hes playing poker he will call you at the break
hes in the middle of something

harry in the middle

put me in the middle of a mess
it will be neater when i leave

i will combine the concept of my first and last tour
hitchhike the states?
hawaii by frieghter as a deckhand
loop south thru florida walking the appalachian trail....

do the south/walk thru the desert might be fun, sure its been done before
arrange rides on craigslist
the craigslist vacation...needed ride to......thats all
as soon as you get into one town put up a posting for a ride to the next town.....

solve a problem in each town, move on....
like the lone ranger
a modern day lone ranger
also johnny cannibis seed idea
get the right hybrrid seed
plant it everywhere

something insanely seedy

air filled with sulfer
motionless zombies look to the heavens for more fire
thick humid smoky air
the skies explode
happy birthday america
i headed to the car, away for the hellish scene behind me
each step bringing fresher air
each step an improvement

fireworks again last night
the local bike club filled the air 2 valleys over
window rattling explosions can change your plans in a hurry
patriotism ruined my love life last night
if it keeps happening i may have to take some measures....

i know what love feels like again and for that i am grateful to the universe
the rest is just patience and focus
i will continue to focus on love when its right in front of me
and to smile about it when patriotism is ruining it
is my smile rueful ?
maybe a little
but this love creek i drink from is filled with the most delicious water
so im going to keep drinking
and keep changing
and see what i turn into

the sun tells me this is how men and women should live
im listening
the sun has a lot of good ideas

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

the lover peeks out from under the drawbridge
at first sight, thats alotta troll
a shaggy beast of love
you can see the love if you really look into his eyes
they are still alive with mirth
secretly laughing at an unfunny world
unable, unxilling to put a leash on my joy

in this world we apologize to each other for being happy
sorry for my good mood
whats wrong with her face?
 her eyes they twinkle, her laugh so hearty......

sorry to lower your misery index
if u focus on shit thats what your life is
a shit examiner
thats not my style says harry
strike three the umpire said

ive had all the chances in the world
now its time to just do me
be the best harry i can be
unfettered by the shackles of employment

im the virtual buddha baybee
ill travel the world with my message of love
love is the answer

so the troll pulls his body up from the gulch
using the bridge as a pull up bar, then
 heave-ing one tree trunk thigh up on top of the bank
then the other

deeming it safe to sniff at the air ontop of the bridge
he takes a double nostril full
love was just here!
the faint traces of the sweetest scent of the lands fairest maiden

heavy troll feet become instantly lighter
intoxicated again
he sings a little song
changes the lyrics to show HER influence
and this is from just a whiff

thats why the troll was down there with only the three billy goats gruff for company
commenting to each other about the loveliness on the bridge
afraid to look up, afraid to scare her away with their aching desire

they do a morning mysogenistic radio show from under a bridge
picking a new bridge in a new place
fiding the sexiest bridge in the city
doing a live show from time to time at a strip club
or a golf outing
my job is to bring a van full of smiling dancing women
(who also are poker dealers, bartenders, etc.)

 so five minutes and one cuppa coffee later im starting my new biz

bring on the dancing girls!
im the chafffuer master of ceremonies karoke legend bowling champion dart thrower rugby player
renaissance man
i will bring the party to your place
let my party experts design your perfect time

ill buy a van-
fill it with the makings of a party....
then start doing epic parties
epic party dot com would be SOOO  epic that it would be awesome
yeah talk like the tv..
.talk like a ten yeat old
what are the themes and concepts driving the thinking in this country
demystifying the media
its about access to your kids brains
its about tastemaking

dumpster diving superheros

princesses and vampires and hello kitty and my pretty pony
football and nascar and robots and gardening?

yeah thats the service i provide to the schools////

what is the average ten year olds idea of conversation?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

i sense the wall,
i know its back there
as i slowly back towards the door
myself hostage to the world
about to put myself back in the work pool
thats my threat to the world
as i slowly back up
hoping theres a door behind me

nobody move!
no funny busines!s
or ill send out a resume!
i mean it
i really will
with references and recent work history and everything
dont make me do it
just keep calm

Thursday, July 12, 2012

made some extra special corn muffins
they are like a time bomb
eat and wait
eat and eat = higher than shit'!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

one day of dragon shit
draggin thru shit
the good thing is it used to last months
i may be a little slower today but im going to be back on track
depression or liberation
that is the question
it seems that i chose to wallow yesterday
today i choose to build

Sunday, July 8, 2012

i had to get to get lost to find myself
driving thru the country hills
thinking my citified sense of direction would serve me in the boondocks
driving in a nearly perfect circle
i kept seeing a sign that said lobachsville 3
ten minutes later its sill three miles to my left
i began to think it was time to ask for directions
i stop and find out that im 15 miles off course
this time lobachsville is on my right

sometimes you have to get really, really lost to find yourself
i got carried away by a huge wave
the kind that violently somersaults one in the surging surf
gasping for air you try to swim out of waves that are half air
breath shortening you gasp and catch a lungfull of brine
retching now you gasp again and find sweet sweet air
the sea has subsided
you are thirty yards off the coast of lobachsville
but you can finally see it
you can finally paddle with a purpose
paddle with a destination in sight

i once was lost
now im found
lost in the morass of the capitalist nightmare
lost in a vast sea of greed
the general consensus is that you must barter your freedom
that you HAVE to work
because you HAVE to pay rent to live
to pay for the lights
to pay for your foodstuffs
to pay the french translator of you blog a princely sum so that she selects just the right word en francais that means "foodstuffs"  and not "commestibles"

i was lost at a poker table
love was in my kitchen
i was playing cards
when love came to call i was sitting at a table full of men
trying to take their hardearned bloodmoney
olde west stye
i was doc holliday
venus was at my kuchen table enjoying a banana martini
becoming irritated with me and my choices

i was lost
my prioritites were out of whack
i need to be available to venus
thats why im here on this earth
to be available to love when she calls
what kind of moron puts money before love?
that kind of thinking has you dieing alone in a bed
a bed with a matress stuffed with cash
id prefer my matress to be saturated with her sweat
my sweat
the sweet smoothie of our souls
together for moments
together forever
creating a love energy that is visible from space
recent satellite pictures indicate a hurricane of love emerging two miles to the left of lobachsville pennsylvania
residents are urged to take the neccessary precautions
put a bucket out and catch some of the torrential love showers that are forecast for the next thirty to forty years
get your heart kites out for the hundred mile and hour lovewinds
this system will be centered there
two miles to the left of lobachsville
for the forseeable future

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

time to reassess my gifts
the greatest gift this summer is the sudden gift of time
how do i spend it?
you know there is a finite end to the cash
then a job becomes part of the game
i can chill-ax for at least 2-3 months
and then there may be a huge pop
of i may have to create my own huge pop
get something together already wordwise
i know this is the 392nd time i swore i was going to ficus on my writing
but i mean it this time
its practically independence day
am i independent
i am until sept-oct if i streeeeeeeettcch it
as it stands now
i will count the chickens when they hatch
so now i got to be in miser mode
drinking is for people with jobs and stress
i have neither
i have fresh air
i have a taste of love
i got a few buck saved

i dont want to have to ask again
and im running thru all my friends
i know we both mean well in the beginning....
(continuing this friend riff on work 4 suckers blog!)

Friday, June 29, 2012

in the middle of the old learning curve, pokerwise
im not that desperate for $$$
so i play a wilder style
i need to rediscover my inner fred sanfordstein
try getting this from me
but i have a cushion
so im wasting valuable flavor
relearning how important hney is to these humans
so important that they will sit humorlessly at a table full of people
waiting for fate to smile on them
im more of a make your own luck kinda guy
but im down
i need to have some kind of winning session soon
or rethink my summer
this is not a job if its costing me cash
i have a small amount of wiggle room left
got to turn on my money harvesting machine
got to
the alternative is very disturbing
the alternative is work
and while getting over on the boss is fun and all
im done with jobs
i need a career
so i scribble away
and try to steal money from gamblers
thats the summer plan anyway....

Monday, June 25, 2012

updated work4suckers
getting the keys clicking
progress, who knows?
more blather, for sure
better than working, eff suh, to the yessir!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

new blog started
will also update work4suckers later

got up with the sun
harvested some blackberries
life is good
got an idea of what the famr wants me to do today
as soon as i finish this cuppa joe and these blackberries im gonna get out and do it
gotta beat mr sun to the workplace
hes still hiding behind the treeline now
but hes sending tendrils of liquid lightning thru the leaves
intense he is
my friend mr sun
but he gets my brain cells popping with great ideas every friggin day
he gives the green things what the want
hes a great dude in moderation
hes been a little immoderate all year
summer flowers have all bloomed already
2 months ahead of schedule
they saw the sun at the south pole
you can check the camera feed for it
historically the south pole is dark in june
i saw it ou you tube, so you know its true
so somethings going on
im glad that im not spending the last days of this world working for an asshole
if these are the last days
if thats what mr sun is trying to tell me
if thats all tied into the mayan calender
makes sesne to me

Sunday, June 17, 2012

6/17- updated today "summer work","work is 4 suckers "universal love blog" @ "s
i am running the farm for the summer
day one i helped pack up the parents
pack mule style
in typical family traditin i muled the heavy shit and loaded the car without asking what the plan was
just jumping in and getting shit done
the payoff was when my mom was amazed that the dozen bags were already in the car
which my father was unloading
my mom wanted to put a bike and a drum there
wasted energy
this summer is all about efficient use of energy
working smarter
so i jump on the mower and break a belt within 4 minutes of starting
a sign from above that im gonna be doung alot of push mowing this summer
why the hell not
its healther
but we have a shit ton of grass
and assload
and the pool takes about an hour a day
mowing now looks like 5-6 hours a week if im walking
hoping to staunch the advance of the green armies at least in some quarters
it will be about establishing a rythym
a dance
harness the energy
stay off the internet
watch tv at night when exhausted
daylight hours are work hours
get yourself to the gulag Solzhenitsyn
eat those fossilized fish because the potato water aint nourishing
last chance to evolve before the mayan apocalpsye
may as well go out groovy
as a landscape artiste
as a scribbler of note
as a lovebeast without equal
the goal is to make the ten days im gone in the middle not be the knockout blow of weeds and grass and comeback strong
suns up! what am i doing here?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

heres a recap the last six poker tournaments i played in

three recent serious money tournaments

chesters last event in their series
thousands on the line
i gambled and got big
then i went after a kid in a wheel chair
i like the gamble
why not get it in when you can?
why not take a shortcut?
but then i got it in my head that i wanted to deal with the kid in the chair
he had an attendant
tiny tyrannasauraus rex like vetigal clawlike hands
open mouth, tiny hippo teeth pointing in interesting new directions
120 buy in, a nice garuntee and an insane structure brought me out of retirement
40 minute levels
i had it on cruise control
avoided the whack jobs for the most part
got real lucky when i turned a set on the river with QQ vs a J hi flop
of course dude flopped a set
some other clown pushed in in
the set of jacks pushed
i had an inside straight draw and what i thought was top pair
i knew i was ahead of obvious move guys push
the second one got me but id put enough in preflop to stay interested and it was time to be done or "get 'em next time"
after the break i was at that typical table full of pros
i was sitting on 4x my origianl stack but there were three decent aggressve pros with 6-7x
all talking nice and playing predictably
big enough stacks to see most flops three ways
nice big c-bets
poker was being played here
tried to set the trap with KK but my prey was warier than bambi after that hunter clipped his ma
i got enough cards to tread water and then decided to push around the patient small stack with a flush draw on the flop and he got stubborn with top pair and the all in guy had AA
my stack was top three at this point and i had them shaking their head
table change
im tilted by 75 pound kids in wheelchairs apparently
he had an attendant who would call out his actions and throw his chips in
i had to be in the top five in stacks at this time and he was clearly number one or two
i wasn't looking forward to spending the next 3 hours with him, staring into his always open mouth
he was playing a really nice LAGGY style
so i threw patience out the window and went into chip accumulation mode
he had a wood chipper attatchment on his wheelchait and i threw all my lovely chips into it
i really hope he won
i got it in bad after reraising to 5x with K5 off preflop
he had raised 2x
flops all hearts and i hit the five so i figured its worth a shot
him or me
he had called my raise with j3 of hearts and the last heart was not to come

i played six hours of fairly tight poker with a couple "fun" moves
but i gotta find a mental refuge from people tilt
thats my biggest leak i reckon

part 2
headed to Parx to play the thursday night event
popped my cherry there but mad about the hole i dug and my lack of testicular fortitude
there was one of these "stare-y" guys in seat one
an aggressive thinking type
loved his math with his 3x bets preflop, then postflop he would ramp it up to 5x as his standard c-bet with the turn bet always coming out at 10x
he must have read it somewhere
he was big on meaningful looks
and the rest of the table was so tight or soft or so mentally challenged that he was able to build with impunity
i was so freaking card dead that it wasnt funny
i dwindled and dwindled
my moves were being taken away by the meaningful look guy or wild any two dude
when i had something vaguely playable it was always raised or reraised before me
one of those nights i guess
the one hand that i blew a few grand on was versus the meaningful eye contact guy and im pretty sure that he made aq move on my flopped top pair
he bets the flop his usual 5x the blind way and i call as my kicker had issues
i cunningly set a trap for him on later streets
i could taste the victory
the turn brings a second suited card he bets his usual 10x
i channel batman....
i raise to 20 x
he calls
the river brings the third card of the suit and mr obvious bluff overbets the pot 3k into a 4200-ish pot
my balls are not to be found
im befuddled
i have about 6k in front of me and i cant pull the trigger
i pick up AK and raise to four x hoping to push preflop as im down to half of my starting stack and my "m" is definitely lowercase and not proud at all
one caller to my left we flop two clubs and i cbet,
he reraises about half my stack and im in time to go home mode so i push in
he calls me down with ace nine of clubs
clubless turn and river but i was not fist pumping as both cards paired the board and i realized that god was teaching me something on this fine evening
i thanked him for imparting this life lesson and looked for my next opportunity
blinds were about ten percent of my stack at this point so my 9 10 of hearts looked juicy
in my bb so i called mr meaningful stares preflop raise and banged a ten on the flop
got you now red baron!
he raises, i push, he flips his AA THAT HE WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT and THE OTHER GUY just HAD!
he he he
it seems that that end of the table just HAD THE ACES, and were JOKING about how the guy with the dreamy eyes wanted them to move HIS WAY while the other funsters at that end wanted the OPPOSITE, and wanted the aces to move around the table in a counter clockwise rotation!
wow, what an ironic twist of fate that was!
i saltily left the table and started reading my new poker book while waiting for my ride to finish which he did QQ v AA
lessons from this trip:
be patienter early and let the azzclowns do their thing
probably reraise when i hit top pair on a raggy flop and dont set the trap there which wound up trapping myself like a genius on the river
the style of moves that i have require thinking opponents and a better kind of music than the kind that was playing here at parxmy moves are silky and subtle and drive the ladies wild
ive made final tables card dead with these stylish moves, butt knot not against this crew
oh blah de, oh blah da ......

oh almost forgot the funniest part of the evening
playoffs were on tv
total douche-nozzle joins our table
he was from syracuse
isn't that wild?
he pushes the old greek pro dude out of the pot on the river
the old greek pro hammered it preflop then slowed down the hammering when an ace flopped, tried to steal it on the turn and douche-nozzle from syracuse calls on the turn in position
greek pro bets the river like half the pot and the nozzle reraises all in
pro looks disgusted, mucks QQ face up
nozzle flips over his 4's and says i wanted to lose that hand so i could watch the game, im from syracuse, in the kind of voice that makes you want to join a mosque or wear one of those red and white checked tablecloths on your head to rebalance the dynamic of the table
another attention whore with a spotlight!
total evil sterotypical neorotic nebbish
begin rant...

{movie review}
exporting raymond
woody allen was funny 50 years ago when he did it
larry david is hopefully almost done with this worked out mine of humor
end movie review

so he winds up at my buddies table
my buddy had money on syracuse
he tells him theres no way syracuse is covering the three points (one miunte left in the game) and says ill bet you any amount on this!
come one bet me
my dide snaps on him and tells him to shut the EFF up and no one cares you are from syracuse and the floor comes by cuz hes standing and screaming at him and telling him not to say another single word to him
he apologizes to the floor and never seen him this heated
he's one of the highest people i have ever met.
always mr mellow, i call him marsh
he just snapped. something about this kid from syracuse.

my apologies for the slightest whiff of religious intolerance as i may have had one or two bad experiences with women who may share the same beliefs as this gentleman from syracuse was strongly indicating in manner and iinflection.

i in no way meant to indicate that this was the reason i thought he was a douche-nozzle.
douche-nozzles are useful
they provide a better playground experience

part 3
headed to PARX on tuesday
was gonna be patient
wasnt gonna get tilted by personal details of my opponents
was gonna let the game come to me
then the deck started hitting me in the face
and i left money on the table because i was so tightened up that i began to see ghosts and fear shadows
the guy to my right is a real poker player
i can tell by his manner, his actions, his demeanor
he joined us and i gave him the lowdown on the table so far
two action junkies on the other side
had just done this little thing where they raised each other on the flop and turn and then checked the river to each other
then they didnt want to show each other their hands
the dealer says "just show your hands"
niether does
this is the longest minute ive ever spent at the poker table
both were on missed draws
both betting on the come
no money shot tho
one dude outkicks the other 9 hi beating 7 high
dude laffs at this story
we get into a pot im the sb so i have to raise
he calls from the bb
im playing k 6 sooted, i never learn
flop is ace hi
it goes check check
i smell a rat and say "i thought u were gonna bet it for me so i could check raise you" he laffs
turn is a six
i say the free ride is over
he calls and i say "crap yer kicker is probably better than mine"
river is a third six
i check to him he bets a grand and i just call because im bad at poker and i want him to know just how bad i am
he was nice
i have lost my edge
i stack a clown who is tired of my shennanigans and thinks im pushing him around
my head is bruised from how hard the deck is hitting me
of course the table breaks
my buddy, the highest dude in the world was busted by an asian lady
she checked her flopped trips into him twice the turn gave him 2 pair he ships and she slow rolls him
so i get moved to her table all buzzing about her prowess
and paint a target on her
shes a cash game player
shes playing alot of hands and busts 2 more people as i lay in wait for her one seat to her left
i tighten at the wrong time
i decide to respect her thousand buck cbet when her and the other lady seem to have eyes for one another
my kicker is too small to face 2 ladies i figure
i fold
and we all know that was the hand
i raise with ak in EP
a station with chips calls
a shortie pushes
i push
station gets out of dodge and im up agains a pair of ducks, king in the window, lifes sweet
tight old fossil in dollar store reading glasses gets moves to my table
i remember him from my previous table
didnt play too many hands
im feeling froggy and he raises my bb i look at ace nine sooted and decide to see a flop
flop is an ace and 2 hearts
i check the fossil bets a quarter of the pot
im thinking that the nine is surely coming on the turn and call
it doesnt
then i get the newsflash that he has qq or kk and hes making a move on me
its not the obvious value bet that is so often referred to in the literature about optimally playing this game
this old fellow is making a move on me
so i check again and as he puts in his next 1/'3 of the pot raise i see his hands shaking
i call
and being a genius when the river comes up a third heart i confidently say all in and push away three hours of hard work
he insta calls with the nut flush
im so bad at poker

im going to go to a neuro linguistic programming conference in a few weeks
then i can stop saying things like im bad at poker and do the hellmuthian bit where he stares into the mirror and says im an incredibly fortunate individual and the universe loves me or whatever he says in that utube clip

moving forward
no bluffing old me
no profiling
no more flask (the flask of whisley may have factored into my bluff)
be patienter
work on nero linguistic programming and become the tiger woods of parx 100 dollar tournaments

part 4
game at the irish club and free beer
its the last week of a ten week series of tournaments
im dying to play cards
70 dollar buy in,10 buck bounty, rebuys
just playing for the first place one table tourney
its calling station city, REBUY
there are one or two callers to every all in
usually one of the two monsterschtakkens is in there versus whoever is making their stand
fours are aces here
kj is the new ak
im not sure what you are supposed to do in this type of thing except GAMBOOOOL
but i have too many good habits
theres no use setting up moves tonight because of the four strategic tournament players here
-one has second locked up so he went wild and doubled up a luckbox fifteen minutes into the game
-the guy with first locked up has tripled up because he has nothing to lose
-and the other thinker is trying to limp into third by outlasting the guy they call unk
unk only plays aces and is trying to lock up third also
the other two stacks were one of the maniac dealers who playes everything and the guy from the circus with the amazingly roomy compact car full of friends in colorful clothing whose clumsiness in their work environment causes almost the same level of hilarity as their cardplay does
i bang the flop and he calls my all in with king seven protecting his top pair crushing my kj with a seven on the turn, nice ha-ha-hannd, maaaannn

hard to figure out this kinda game which is why i only do it when the gamnbling itch is unbearable
but to protect my prickley win at all costs personality i have now devised a new weapon
clown-porn stuttering
ill say "nice ha ha hannnd mannn"
every time i get sucked out on by some clown
that should save me valuable mental confidence and secretly degrade the luckbox suckout jerkoff without him knowing that im doing it and perhaps they will also feel sorry for my bogus stuttering affliction and if this means i have to stutter a little here and there in order to set it up so i can GET MY CHARLIE ON and be WINNING then this is what i shall do

the cash game was juicy tho
the bookie who runs the game and rakes 10% of the first 150 loves to straddle five or make it twenty to go on every hand to keep the pots juicy
(its just good business practice)
we play 2 3 or four card
three being pineapple
four being omaha
i kinda love the kamikaze nature of omaha
i used to put 25 on the .25 cent tables at stars
then move on up to 1-2 if the gods were smiling
the gods smiled enuf thymes for me to get a coupla checks with commas from the nice people that sponsor negranu
omaha is math and i get math so i was mostly folding any but the juciest 2 and three card games, playing suited aces and pairs in pineapple and sandbagging these gambling fools until they had to pop the turn after everyone checked the flop
this seemed like cash game heaven to me
i got it in with the second best boat against a guy who folded a flopped set in texas hold em to the 2 biggest action junkies at the table who raised and reraised his bet on the flop
i knew i was donating because how can you read this kinda person?
i knew the poker gods were again jiggling with my funsac
so i rebuilt his stack and was only up 50 or so from my original 150 when the straddle and the automatic raise to 20 with six callers ahead of me and holding double suited face cards with all kindsa straights if the flop was right i call
flop is two in my suit and a nut straight redraw so i check and it goes 50- pot- call and i repot for the rest of my stack hoping to see the ace or king of my suit and its four of us all in and the loverly diamond hits and im raking it in over the obvious straights and the guy with 2 pair and dreams
i rake in 520 as one of the guys was short and lifes good, now i can gamble a little and soon im sitting on 800 and my ride has to go
its a 40 dollar cab ride but i think id rather leave the variance to them and apologize as they count out my cash
my ride cashed out for 600 and this was only 2.5 hours into the game but after midnite and claiming i care about my job seemed plausible to them
6 oclock comes early but who cares
so evenish bankroll wise since the start of this
ready to play a tourney a week all summer long
just to see if i can figure these poker player people out

part 5

solution- clown porn stuttering or skip for juicy cash games
i had this circled on my calender
pot limit omaha 8 at the borgata on a saturday 15k gteed 230$
what a nitty game 08 is
what better place to get back in the groove and maybe cash for a change
all i have to do is channel my inner fred sanford and wait for the surf clams to fork over their chip stax
15,000 to start blinds at 25-50
30 minit blinds
this could take awhile.....
i listen to the chubby john popperish dude in the grateful dead shirt talking to the brassy blond about are ya going to vegas? and howd ya finnish ya wanna do a last longer? and
im nauseous
but im not gonna people tilt anymore
they are nice enough to come down here and give me their hard earned surf clams if i am patient enough and nitty enough to make that happen
i remember hating this game
the folding of it
but love and hate are a fine line and i start remembering some of my favorite hands to play against tables full of nitty nittersons and when we get to the thirty mins before the second break i break out my bluff game
these folks had been folding for almost 5 hours straight at this point
aggression was the recipe for success
it also helped when i got AA23 double sooted and potted pre and post flop and was reraised and wound up splitting the pot but was a great advertisement for me to take 3/4 of the guy from baltimores chips
he was here for the race
he had his baltimore shirt on
he had his program to bet the race better
he may as well have painted a target on himself 2 seats behind me
the perfect position for my check, pot - repotting strategy
i froze like a really cold metaphor
hat pulled down to my brow
i kinda put him on the flush draw which didnt make it
there was no low
the board had 8,j,2,10 river q or something gross like that
i may have been ahead with trips, but they werent top trips or anything
it sure felt like i was bluffing
i thought he also may have been foolishly pursuing the low
so it was bombs away statue act and it worked so well once, why not try it again on the last hand of the round with air?
so i was sitting pretty and chatting up the lovely spanish dealer
an hour ago i hit her with a perfect flirt storm along the lines of shes not picking up when im flirting with her, maybe im too subtle and the john poopper dude immediately jumped in with some third grade stuff to teach me how to do it
but i caught her peeking at me at the first break so i told her what i thought about her in my country boy in the city about to be eaten up by the bad gamblers bull**** and she was eating it up with a spoon
then she was back at my table and started sneezing
eyes itching
the cat likes to sleep on my laundry and another potential future mrs "thepro" drifted gently down the stream
o well
so im above average and rolling along like someone had put some molly in my coffee
im wearing my nova scotia had and trying to say "oot" alot and "AYE"
candinadian tourist on vacation was my cover story
i like to role play with my wardrobe in tournaments
it seemed that someone was stealing my idea
his role was that of a gallic frenchman
the kind that ran the hotels in paris during wwII
monsuier collaborator was just evil incarnate
i kept calling his pot raises while saying, he seems like a pretty nice guy, ill see another card with ya buddy
guffaws ensued, perhaps a chortle or two
i overheard one of the nittersons say "just get me away from that nova scotia dude hes hitting everything" when the table broke
its true that when my stack expands i play up to 75 percent of the hands dealt in omaha
but thats not the way to play to win
i forgot to switch gears and as the antes went up i made it to 3 tables left before making a couple of basic mistakes
after the 4th break it lookeded like i was gonna have to double or go home
i flopped two pair checked and reraised all in to a guy who was sure a club was going to come
it did, and efficiently but not so dramatically on the turn
he faded my four outs and i was heading home
my luck wasnt totally bad because i let some ignorant person push by me onto the last seat on the jitny which would up hitting two people as it left the parking lot
dude landed on his suitcase hit his head got up WHATTHEFAWKYOODUNE*******?
i had a few beers on the bus and watched the waves for a while as someone strangled a cat at the beach bar to the tune of current popular fist pumping anthems

hurdle- remember that you can SLOW down too, even if it is less fun
headed to chester to try my luck
100 w/ rebuys 2 seats in their 512 satty at stake into big event 20 buck bounties
20 min blinds
i try to channel that guy little
i bought his professional poker secrets books
he says sooted connecters are what the cool kids are doing
maybe this is my chance
maybe this time my bike wont wind up at the bottom of the pool
i played 34d and it flopped open ended A56 rainbow i check
theres a 600 chip bet antes were 200 i say "what the hey" and so does one other hearty adventurer
flop is a seven and im fta i check he checks original raiser throws in 2k and im all in
other caller calls
callers gonna call
the original raiser hems and haws and it looks like hes trying to do math
he calls with A-8 for the 14% shot
he may have thought he had a 16%er but i had one of his outs
other dude calls all his chips in the third level with 2 pair
variance blows me out of the water but i had won 100 in the 20 mins b4 the tourney on a cash game so i figured why not rebuy, they are clearly bad poker players and the rest of the tournament is the same sad old refrain
i forgot i dont tilt at specific people
and i forgot not to target douche-nozzles
but more importantly i came to the realization that periods are a waste of time
thats one extra key stroke that will eventually fry your comp out fster
i need ths 2 lst a lng lng tme so in anothr move 2wards eficiency n brvity il liminate d uneedd lettrs in commn wrds
wht a rvelation!
ths chngs evrytng
thnk u fr bean wht u r bbv
u oftn make me chortle and guffaw
srry 2 n e adlts who r njoying ths xerciz
m really tryn 2 b a dood who plys a few trnamnts well and then just chills
im good at chlln
im a less than model mplyee
one boss told me it looks like you do just enough to get by
i took it as praise for my efficiency
it apparently was not
apparently im supposed to be running some sort of boss centered charity work where i do things without compensation to show them that they can freely take advantage of my good humor as if i were the fat chick with the great personality who everyone loves to hang out with and fool around with but no one asks to the prom or even on a date for that matter
what fantasy world do bosses live in?
my current boss was ragging at me about leaving early for my second job which he agreed made sense do to the heavy compensation at this second gig
then cries every thyme
thats why i created my new BOSS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
in it you can turn the tables on your bass and be the boss
its simply a matter of dedicated whining, secret sabotage, bawdy wit, 2 am emails to their superiors, and a thorough knowledge of what the employee handbooks says, federal work guidelines and a sense of drama as to when to apply this knowledge to your advantage.
the secret is to have witnesses
so when you loudly ask the boss did you really just ask me if i ran like a girl in front of witnesses? do you realize that with my long hair i can claim sexual harrassment?
are you really that stupid? and then yelling at his boss, ya, your bozo manager is micro managing the only non-union man on the job whop makes 1/3 of what they do, whered he go to business school wharton?
that was a fun day
fun at work

brag- turned a straight like in the j.little book
beat- 14% all in caller with A-rag got there
variance- im a winner in the workplace

part 6
harrythepro is offline
harrythepro is offline
impulse control
impulses have been good to me
got me here in an improbable steamy summer thing
impluses are the architects of my stress free life stylings
follow them, i did
a world full of triggers
triggering events
impulse resistance is the key
trigger-payday-resist that trigger and the bartender is sad
but you are in some strange city, going native, because you resisted the impulses
so that you could vacation and not resist them
the coke is much better in costa rica anyway...
drinking triggers
defensive drinking
where if i drink up my brothers shit he is less abusive and has to leave the tiny apt
he has to go buy more
i get silence and sometimes he doesnt come back
timing is the thing
we all know im going to quit just about any job i have
its a question of when
stylishly quitting with a pocket full of thousands?
or quit FOREVER?
make this the last job ever
stick thru the shit and start using time better
trade the bar for the laptop
put the money you save in a pile and bang out a win at the card table
put the money to work for you
take advantage of greed fucks bad impulse controls at poker tables
its their own darn fault for sitting at a poker table with someone that looks like me!
impulses got me here
impulses got her pants down
the trick is to follow the true impulses and avoid the marketers, scammers, psychopaths,
saleswomen, pimps, dealers, hustlers, businessmen and their ilk
those who are focussed on my wallet
my heart
trying to reroute my hard labor
trying to control my impulses
trust YOUR impulses
distinguish them thru meditation
right thinking
listen to the sun
dance in the rain
get out of this hellish city for the summer
evolve, love, grow, laugh, create
the sun has spoken to me yet again
filing me with love from above
but too much love turns my skin red then it flakes and falls off
so i hide from the love from above when i can
staying out of the sun
composing new lyrics to popular songs

Gosh, say can you see?
by the dawns early light
the skies are clear blue
til the jests they start streaming
broad stripes short and long
soon turn ioto clouds
what the fuck are they doing
do we E VEN want to know?

do they cut down the glare
from the smart sun up there
keeping us from the truth
from the sun which is streaming?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

they were playing rugby in my neighborhood last friday.  my old team.  so i went and did the rugby thing in the rain and then to the launch party of APIARY 4.  where i read a short piece that somehow found print!  heres me dancing with women who are 25 years younger than me. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

i may be going crazy for sure
i noticed kid gloves today
someone talking slowly to me as if i was a retard
or an axe wielding psycho
ive been on the other end of that convo
im just about done with "humanity" anyway
theres nothing else for me to learn from you fucks
you greed holes
war mongers
ass fuckers
the ass is for poo-ing
not for penises
what is wrong with our society?
oil sucking fuckwads
sky painting cloud making
you better be right mayans
cause this shit is beat
the partys over
turn up the lights
im enjoying the crazy
so fuck everyone

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


i made a baby cry with my tribute to whitney houston
i was in the moment
i was entertaining the crowd, i had even sung a police tune,
modified for the baby just a few minutes earlier,
 "the goo goo goo, the gaaa gaa gaa thats all i want to sing to you"
but riffling thru nickis song book whitney's song jumped out at me
and then i realized theres more than 6 words in the song
into the mike
i think thats when the baby left
i belted out those 2 words
nicky was nice enough to sing all the other words
i know the parts i like
and its not always the show stopping parts  ot the songs
its the parts that catch my ear
little word pockets that resonate in my brain
thats the ones i want to sing
so ill work on the medley of my favorite parts of songs
thematically structured
songs i sing in the sun on the railroad
songs i sing in the morning
songs that make work suck less
sexy songs
this will keep me busy at work anyway..

Thursday, April 19, 2012

i hope the island is still there more than a metaphor
my mom says its not listed anymore
but it lives on in my head
its all about impulse control for me these days
life is a collection of impulses
synapses firing,
 neurons recieving these bursts of energy and sending them along the way
axons dendrites
alotta shit i know very little about except for the fact thats ITS ELECTRIC
pulses of electricity coursing thru this sack of water
this sack of water that is experiencing this particular slice of the cosmic joke

life equals impulses
control the impulses to control your life
set your destiny
set your sails

in past times when i have a pocket full of loot and a shitty job im moving on
as billy joel sings "if thats moving up then im moooving on"
and "you cant drive a car with a broken back, at least you can polish the fender"

the dalai lama says find joy in every moment
so i sought out to find joy at work
today as i unlocked the door to the breakroom i whistled at the grackle
he lives in a hole in the wall in a space created by our construction team behind some plywood
he popped his head out to see who was talkin grackle this morning
he flew to the wire and looked all around
i whistled again, his head pivoted thusly and so
his partner joined him on the wire and it looked like they excahnged grackle plesantries, beak to beak with little chirps, fluttering next to each other on the wire
i hit him with the secondary grackle greeting
the quick building high note that dies out longer and lower
the grackle started doing his strut thing and started chiping and crackling wings fluffing out proudly almost like one of those breakdance moves where the arms are thrust back and low and the body is thrust forward
i can only do the greetings
im learning the crackles and short chirps but cant do both yet
but damn if that grackle dindt put me in a great mood from then on finding joy at work was easy

Monday, April 2, 2012

Harry Crews is dead
he says 3 hours a day and at the end of the year you have 2 books
Flannery o'connor says to just sit there and wait for it
who knows where it comes from
if im wasting my life working i may as well waste three hours a day writing
if this means i cant squeeze in legendary bouts of drinking then so be it
im not going to be a boring old fuck with a job and a beer gut
not gonna happen

Saturday, March 3, 2012

okay its all coming together,
in my head at any rate
ive long suspected that my thinking is too fragmented to plunge forward in any one direction for any concievable length of time
i may be too distracted by shiny bits of paper
or just as my thinking evolves, my direction changes
or i just get bored with rehashing the old
and prefer to make new hash
ive talked my way into a brunch
every week
which should take alot of my creative energy
im really enjoying the singing, but the rough edged fraud act is getting old
i need to polish and perfect
or just mave along
im torn
the stage and the laughter feed the ego
but my ego has already eaten enough
its time to starve the sonuvabitch
too much ego is the problem in the world
as a vehicle for fun i can continue, but it aint about me
im just a dude with word diarrhea
im thankful to the musicians and their hours of practice
and to the gracious host
but its about the fun you can have with words and singing and friends,
nothing else
so i gotta do dome deep thinking about this brunch thing
id loke to let the clown out of the box
but when its time to put him back he turns nasty
hes a whore for the spotlight
ive been a clown for cash before
it comes naturally
so its a fight against my nature to not be a goof
but a fight against my higher aspirations to keep my ego starving
if i can tap the funny bones of strangers, why not?
as long as they understand its somthing that anyone can do
just add a little cannibus
just add a little love
and you can be laughing forever
hell, you might not even need the cannibus after awhile
isnt canabus a great name for a weed themed tour of canada?
someone get marketing on the phone
and get me commercial drivers license
i can drive the bus and give the commentary and if we have a hermetically sealed driving compartment they cant say im too high to drive a busload of stoners on tour thru the hempfields of BC, to the best Blunt and breakfasts in the area
of course the bus is running on french fry oil and doubles as a roving science lab to help kids connect with nature in a fun way.... the hemp tours are a weekend thing for cacdas tourist industry
am i a canadinadian national treasurre yet?
can i move to my island in nova scotia?
or do i need more ideas

Sunday, February 26, 2012

im starting my tennis job tomorrow
i may have to quit drinking for a while
not enough time in the day
to do asomething you should do something well
i cant work and work and write and promote and be a drunk
i heroically fought off the hangovers on one job
i dont have the body to fight off a hangover for more than 6 or seven hours a day
certainly not with highschool kids coming after an 8 hour work day
and me having to play a sport with them
after eight hours on my feet
we will be spushing the limits of this body for the next two and a half months
i may need to seroiusly treat this body right
bye by booze
no time for you now!
i got my life to live
tired of my life taking second place on the TO DO LIST

Monday, February 13, 2012

crazy love energy surging thru me
all the darkness in my rearview
this is the highest the roller coaster has ever taken me
ive been amped up for days at a time before
talking way too fast
three four five steps ahead of the conversation
waiting for the world to catch up to my electric thoughts

for days at a time ive done this
and then the crash comes
but this crash is weeks overdue
maybe i turned the corner on the depressed part and now im just manic
or a maniac?

ive found someone that feeds what i need
the gods flesh
the lovestuff
dream enrobed twinkly eyed gorgeousness
her laughter sustains my soul
the taste of her fills my imagination with forever

im grateful to the universe for this gift

Thursday, January 12, 2012

third week of "TWISTED...WHORE" was best ever!
we had two ukele's jamming with a mandolin and a promised harmonica solo by the regionally famous ken kweeder!
FUCK YEAH!...the audience wanted more verses!
this is getting crazily fun and its such a rush to be on stage, i can see why people sell their souls to satan now!
every weds in january im writing a song from the stage, some verses are on the link above
i had a chart to aid in the singing along part.....
next week we will vote on verses which sounds better
so fucking JAZZED UP BY THIS weird turn of events in my life
this was the first 4 words of a poem i wrote 20 years ago that i was gonna read with others in exchange for beers
dance monkey dance
it somehow turned into a song!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

march ninth
Take the day off of work
start the day at con murphies with eggs and irish coffees
use the tactics of the occupy philly people and plan to do fun shit all over the city like taking peoples bars over for a few minutes
like a drunken flash mob
they cant throw us all in jail
plan to demand happy hours at every bar you enter
picket with signs if they don't comply
the drinkers united will never be defeats! compose happy death day song and sing it all around the city
dramatic live reading of script of barfly at fergies pub at 2pm

fun fun fun

Monday, January 2, 2012

making shit happen is the goal this year
im going to collaborate the shit out of 2012 so when the world ends i die with a smile fulfillment on my face

say hi to healthy happy helpful harry

current notions

-instead of taking a the toxic bus i will walk to and from the train station, eventually adding jogging to the mix...leave steeltoes at work, wear comfy shoes.

-fast one day a week

-cut down on happy hour consumption
-move creatively forward, one incremental step a day