sunshine ideas

even the end of the world isnt motivation enough
i cling here
on a turd
waiting for this toilet of a world to flush
the thought of swimming for it, daunting
waiting for the end
the mayan calender better be right
im wasting valuable time
that i could be productively engaged in something
looks like i have the gift of time and my special purpose is to waste time
or my special purpose is to be mildly amusing
an evolutionary dead end
i start alot of things
where is the finnish line?
oh theres the mayan finish line

why not get something together?

what is there possibly that could be wrong with this plan
ceptin it takes work
who is afraid of work?
work is addressed on another page
i will continue this thought there.......'

the sun is a genius
i felt its strength all winter
standing in her
thinking of her
grateful for her

i spend alot of time in the sun
mad dogs and englishmen ....
heres the great ideas ive had in the sun
maybe i will follow thru on some of these!

silence in the interests of harmony
biting my tounge on direct instructions of my boss
you know how he is....
silence to promote harmony?
harmony is many voices
if they are discordant, one must change the  frequency to find harmony
but im a purist
i dont have the ring....

pinkish neon orange cross in a blueish stone
the rain washes the grease off the rocks in the railbed
a nice heavy rain reveals many shiny new stones that shift all the time with the trains and the foot traffic and the construction
i caught a glimpse of the cross in the stone when the sun finally came out after days of heavy rain
i was walking quickly back twith a cup of coffee
trying to sit down for at least a small portion of my break
fifteen steps later it refgistered
so i trekked back to see
there went my break, in a flash
a flash of faith
the sign of the divine
thats the trick of faith
you dont need proof
you just need faith
the futile search symbolic of mans search for the divine
as he trips over it and walks right by it every day
tripping over it
the streets are full of miracles
but every asshole is texting or tweeting or running late
glued to their electronic leashes
the cross in the stone
sounds like a best seller
beast cellar
where i live

BALL- in
Broke Ass Lifestyle Living !
my new lifestyle magazine andd clothing line

impulses have been good to me
got me here
are the engineers driving my stress free life
follow the impulses, i have
a world full of triggers
triggering decisions
impulse resistance
triggers on payday
drunken triggers
defensive drinking
timing u will know when its time to quit work, FOREVER
quit work ONE LAST TIME
the last job i will ever have
patience young skywalker
GROK the sitch in fullness

hoping that the small town cops will stay on our side when the cities start to burn. do they have a checklist? what to do when? when its a bio-hazard? when its starving looters? im pretty sure the country folk are well armed enolugh and friendly enough that they will be left alone, mostly, but their self suffciency will be sorely tested. is there a magazine for survivalists? that would be funt to investigate and read, how extreme is extreme these days when they are clearly playing a type of spring training for baseball at every large gathering. trying on their visors and non lethal measures, wishing they could try the really neat stuff on their belts on this raggedy group who doesnt know how good theyve got it and cant see the spring training for nazis as what it is...practice...getting ready for the big time, in cities all across the world, learning how to deal with the big angry crowds, hope i have the time and foresight to hightail it to the country when the shit hits the fan, before they seal off the cities.....

magazine title "the edge of hygeine"
how far is too far with this frontier? i work outside, im pushing it, summer is coming... new age odd couple? oh no, this is just my brother and i's living arrangement...

return to madison county..
a man talking to a shrink
"i keep dreaming about Italian cowboys. The mexicans are Italian too."
pan back its clint eastwood. his dreams trouble him and he is told to take some time off. he returns home to middle america, madison county. people keep recognizing him there, but he doenst know them and politely excuses himself. he has family history there. the basketball team is the best in the state. state champs two years running, all rangy blond six foot plussers. they all squint.
he goes to see a shrink in town bnecause of the odd experience of having everyone seem to know him in town. he tells his story. he is fragile, dirty harry is close to losing his mind we find out. the original therapist sent him here to get fresh air and get away from it all as an order, being a killing machine is emotionally draining.
the small town psychologist listens with a half a smile on his face. why is he so unprofessional?
the local joker is known for just this type of game. he looks so familiar to the shrink. does clint have two personalities? was he on a psychotic break from the killings and came out to madison county and painted and made love and made basketball players while the city of san francisco investigated his latest dirty killing?
or does he have a secret twin brother
thats the movie