Monday, November 22, 2010

time for me to start selling my words to strangers, alot of strangers cause my prices are so low they are insane....literally....or was that insane prices that are supposed to be low....i forget which....ill play crazy for money for one year starting now with tonight top secret poker costs 40 to get in and theres food and beer....rebuys are available and its always an intersting crew at the table....theres the young cop from the neighborhood...the bookie on and off the phone...the side of beef who owns the bar....the pizza guy...the construction worker the electrician the firemen...they are all getting alot better at poker since i started out there...the games getting tougher and tougher..
but i am still the poker king of the block,
top of the heap,
haaaay number one...
these country boy blues
are sure here to staaaaayyyy
i cant stand this fucking place
filthy philllllyyyyyy

i want to wake up in a city
that doesnt smell like feet

sung to the tune

sing it in philly and then tell horible jokes about sinatra being a homosexual
a raving queen he and sammy in a gay love triangle with rock hudson none of them knowing that this was where aids was invented in the sanatoum of hudsons butt cheeks on an especially promiscuous weekend.....
who wants to write this movie with me?

sign up up in the comments section and we will brainstorm soon
tonight i have to go play cars for money
i treat the game as a job
just like i treated rugby when i played that
just like when i was at the top of my teach game which i was when i started in 1993 coming right out of the box, rookie of the year shit doing wonders with the numbers of the writing scores. It was a period in my life when i got results because my team was strong and supportive
i need a support team around me
with a little support i can do alot of interesting things
of course the 12 years i spent in college were pretty fun too as was the dc restaurant scene each issue is content heavy in one domain....start one magazine every three months.......get it out....get paid for it do it again next month.....
in 90 days a magazine can be written edited formatted......
but i gotta stop giving it away for free on here dont i?
i need to make some artifacts so people can leave them lying around
thats why at the bottom of one page it will say im robbing this bank and if someone leaves it in a bank that would be wrong or would it be funny?
so this i guess is the first page of the valentines day issue dedicated to love, ive asked some of my talented friends to submit a piece on love
then at the release party for the issue we are having a show so i gotta start setting a date in advance and securing the place which ive done before havent i
ok time to start planning.....


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