Wednesday, September 21, 2011

someone asked me for a poem and i complied

sweetness on the lips
gorgeous chocolate hotties
who seem interested in my story
i admire thier boxes
2 genrations of foxes
3 of us smiling at 3 in the afternoon

for some reason my flirtation is returned
i ignore the warning claxons and speak from my heart
about the ones that got away

a fantastically delicious treat melts on my toungue
the words true love

speaking of love in the chocolate shoppe
im oh so interested in their fine boxes
my buttons pushed
i become an entertainment machine
still adrift, post hurricane on lonely seas
i hear their sirens call
i paddle a little closer to hear the tune
dancing on and with the sea

i have no problem entertaining hotties
i have no problems at all
my life is simple because it's easier that way
not the ease of luxury
the ease of peaceful. harmonious life choices
which i am unafraid to make

there is a harmony in this soon to be closed sweetshop
harmony, dancing eyes, my bouts of shyness, smiles for days
happy is something i do everyday
this borders upon the ecstatic
so many things i could put into their lovely boxes

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