Saturday, December 4, 2010

its time for the percolator
its time for the percolator
are you ready for the percolator?
when the shits humming in my head like it is now life is a wonderful experience
alive with possibility
i cackle daily, madly, embracing the mania
the fun side of this mental moodswing machine
i also enjoy the dark and horrible thoughts when they come
at least i say i do.....thats my story and im sticking to it
i will not apologize for trying to sell my words, this is my job man, its what i do
so i googled the old band i used to semi stalk back in the ninties when i was a happening fella
a fella with a future
a big city school teacher with a car and a mortgage
nothing like some great music to get your head right music is my drug of choice, my fisrt option which is why i react so strongly to terrible music
terrible music, like bad acid, can ruin your day
june rich is the band and they have been defunct for more than a decade
but they did things right, hired three great musicians to back up the songbirds
turned them loose every now and then and the harmonies and lyrics really hit me where i live. they have one ditty about not getting out of bed, "dont ring my bell,...dont call my phone" there isnt gona be an answer... where the day starts out and she calls out of work and another great one about honey.
I stopped drinking about eleven thirty as someone had to drive the band back to Philly from Pittsburg. I danced alot of the booze out and slugged back some gas station coffee and was good to go. The songbirds were tired from the show and went right out as soon as we hit the highway. The boys in the band didnt last much longer and it was me, some tunes and the highway. The Allman Brothers made some damn fine travelling music and soon I was testing the limits of the bands brand new van. It's mostly downhill from Pittsburg to Philly and I gave her all the gas she would take. The middle of the night is the perfect time for this and it soon took on aspects of a video game whose goal is to keep the speedometer needle pinned and avoid the red lights of other night travellers.
Aerodynamically the van shares many properties with a cinder block. Cinderblocks take their time when changing directions. The van liked to take turns a little wider than the lines would allow, but we mostly stayed off the shoulder. the shoulder is bad news at the rate of speed we were travelling, but cinderblocks are notoriously stubborn, inertiawise. The gravel pops up and you start a little slide and you could be at the bottom of the mountain for days before they find you. But I had god on my side and it was not our time to make peace with the maker. In high speed driving you really should make your intentions clear to the other tired middle of the night drivers. You definitely don't want to surprise a drunk and deal with his issues as well as your own so a real key is making your intentions clear and obvious. Like a comet we whooshed our way homewards. Soon it was a race with the sun.
It's important to have goals. The reddening sky ahead gave me an obvious mark to shoot for. People say the trip takes 5 hours if you aren't afraid of getting a speeding ticket but we were looking at 3 and a half. Reckless? Wreckless. I was in a driving zone unlike any other. I was the pilot of a shuttlecraft dodging through an asteroid field pursued by Romulans with bad intentions. Sometimes you just know that you co-piolt is a diety of some sort and that nothing bad will happen to you in their halo of joy and lightness. We were all to pretty to die. Except for lead guitarist, Mr. Allan James, his looks are an acquired taste. Its due to the intense concentration he brings to his craft. He is chaneling fsome next level muses up there and they use him up and ride him hard but its worth it when he manuvers that skateboard full of swithches and cables with his foot while the magic pours out of the speakers. And the songbirds are clearly some gods choir and he wasn't ready to take them back just yet to whatever universe of harmony they came from.
I was clearly and instrument of someones master plan that night

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